Bow Roller

Bow Roller

Bow Roller size and shape selection is important. First you must measure the inside width of the bracket your current roller mounts in. Match up the inside width with the roller widths we offer. Then match up the shape of your bow with the shape of the roller.

Bow Roller Polyurethane Material

Our bow roller material is a patented Stoltz polyurethane manufactured by the Molded Dimensions Group in Marshfield, Wisconsin and are proudly labeled MADE IN U.S.A. Many of our customers define the Stoltz Super Rollers, as the highest-quality polyurethane rollers on the market. Here are a few specifications that raise us above the competition.

Bow Roller by Stoltz

  • Improve support for a boat’s keel and transom during transport
  • Reduce the effort needed for boat launching and retrieval by spinning freely and decreasing drag
  • Eliminate the need to submerge the trailer to float off the boat
  • Keep the tow vehicle safely off the slippery portion of the launch ramp
  • Serve as a buffer between the boat and trailer by shifting weight to the shock-absorbent rollers, thereby reducing damaging friction
Stoltz Polyurethane Advantages over PVC or rubber include:
  • Abrasion resistance
  • Non-marking, non-staining
  • Won’t split or crack, even in extreme cold
  • Longer, consistent performance
  • Will not flat spot after months of storage
  • No need for bushings or bearings
  • Unaffected by oil, gas, or salt

Our rollers can provide simple improvements to a boat trailer for easier launching, transporting, and protection of the boat.

Boat trailers often contain inferior or low quality bow rollers. Many boat manufacturers recommend upgrading your bow roller from the stock roller provided. Our Stoltz roller will better protect the boat. and Stoltz Super Rollers deliver long-lasting performance for the lifetime of a trailer.

Common less expensive rollers are made of PVC and rubber. These materials are often marketed as having qualities similar to polyurethane, just at a cheaper price—however, the material differences are far greater. Although our Stoltz polyurethane product may be a larger initial investment, Stoltz Super Rollers provide superior protection over a longer lifetime, making them the more economical choice.