3″ Flat Boat trailer roller by Stoltz. The Stoltz polyurethane super rollers are the highest quality polyurethane rollers on the market. When you purchase a boat trailer it typically comes stock with an inferior or low quality roller.. A number of boat manufacturers recommend making trailer improvements to help protect the life of the boat. A great trailer upgrade is our Stoltz Super Roller. It delivers a long-lasting performance for the lifetime of a trailer and helps protect the boat.
3″ Flat Boat Trailer Rollers made of PVC and rubber are often marketed as having qualities similar to polyurethane, but sold at a cheaper price. However, the material differences are far greater. The Stoltz 3″ flat boat trailer roller may be a larger initial investment, but will provide superior protection to your boat over a longer lifetime, making the Stoltz roller the more economical choice.
This is a roller specifically designed for a boat that has a semi flat or flat bow. There are a number of benefits of upgrading your current roller to a Stoltz Polyurethane super roller.
Stoltz Super 3″ Flat Boat Trailer Rollers:
- Improve support for a boat’s keel and transom during transport.
- The roller will help reduce the effort needed for boat launching and retrieval by spinning freely and decreasing drag.
- Typically our roller with help eliminate the need to submerge the trailer to float off the boat.
- Keep the tow vehicle safely off the slippery portion of the launch ramp
- Serve as a buffer between the boat and trailer by shifting weight to the shock-absorbent rollers, thereby reducing damaging friction
This Roller Includes:
- 3″ flat center roller
Stoltz polyurethane 3″ flat boat trailer rollers are long lasting, non marking, great rollers for a boat that has a semi flat or flat bow. RP-333 by Stoltz
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